Sunday, November 04, 2012

P is for Power

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Chris: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth..."  ~Romans 1:16

Power was the main subject of conversation in our area last week.  We talked about it at home, at school, at therapy.  We didn't have power for almost the entire week and we sure did miss it. 

If you have been an Awana Sparky or been an Awana Sparky leader, you are familiar with the above verse.  It is part of the Sparks Code.  I could not help but think of this verse during all of the "power talk" during the last week. 

I am so thankful that Hurricane Sandy could take away the power in my house, but nothing can take away the power of God in my life.  My salvation is to keep. 

(By the way, we cannot complain even a little bit.  During all of the week without power, we were blessed to be able to stay in my in-laws' house and Davin was kept warm, toasty and clean!)


Martha said...

"When Mister Satan knocks on my heart's door, I just say, "NO, NO, NO!"

Martha said...

So glad we can never lose the Power!

And, I am glad you had a powered cell phone too. :)

Heather said...
