Monday, April 30, 2012

He's Coming

Cheney finishes up his semester at college this week.  That means he is coming HOME!!  I am beyond excited and yet there are also many bittersweet things about this summer. 

This week I will get his room ready.  I will make sure he knows he is loved and he is wanted here.  Davin and I will talk about all of the things we will do when Brother is home.  We will plan to go to Sticky Lips together.  Maybe we can convince him to go with us to Niagara Falls, too. 

While I am getting his room ready, I will not forget that this is the last summer that my boy will come home to our home.  Next year, I will share (I know it is more of a hand-off, but I thought share implied that I was gladly doing it and not trying to get rid of him;-) one of my most prized possessions with a sweet young woman named Renee.  Next summer, he will go home to THEIR home after their wedding at the beginning of June. 

I know this is what we prepare them for their whole lives.  We want them to find the person who is their other half and who they can make a fabulous life with.  Somehow, it is still hard.  So, I will find my list of a thousand things to do for the last time before my baby boy gets married;-)  He will probably go along with most of them because he is sweet like that. 


Martha said...

Oh, my! I guess I am doing that too, aren't I? Well, kind of. Except mine hasn't been coming home the same as your boy.We are now counting down the days. I think it is at 40.

Heather said...

Yes you are, Martha:-)

joeks said...

Well, I made it. My Matthew and Brittany were married May 5 (in Louisiana). Then we came home and had a reception for them here this past Saturday. The months leading up to this were indeed precious time with him.

I'll blog about it sometime, but right now I'm deep/behind in wedding preparations for his youngest sister the end of June!

Enjoy your summer with Cheney!